Wednesday, July 4, 2018


So, I had a long day at work today, didn't get home until almost half past seven. It took me almost an hour to work up enough energy to go buy a dinner someone else cooked for me... and in that hour, I managed to discover #secondcivilwarletters on Twitter.

Between messaging my girl and laughing until I cried, there went the rest of the evening.

This is going to be a short one tonight, since I'm trying to get in under the deadline -- which looms less than an hour away. I nearly decided to simply double up tomorrow, but I've made a promise to myself that I will write every day this month, and I damned well intend to stick to that.

So here's what's been on my mind as I was procrastinating. If you happened to miss it, everyone's favorite conspiracy wingnut, Alex Jones, once again decided to make up a planned attack by the INCREDIBLY VIOLENT MURDEROUS LIBRUL SNOWFLAKES, claiming that there was a “Second Civil War” being planned, the date of this vicious and totally unprovoked sneak attack being the Fourth of July.

Those same vicious liberals saw this, and decided to run with it and make it the funniest thing to happen to the internet since the “Jade Helm”... errrr... attack.
I just want to point out here, by the way, that as funny as that was at the time, specifically the “captured Texans” frantically tweeting for help from their secret internment camp, it kind of lost all its humor when our current government apparently decided the joke was real, and started locking refugee kids in abandoned Wal-Marts. In Texas. In case anyone forgot.

Anyway. At the same time I was reading through the hilarity, one of those same MAGAfucks, who has spent the last three days spewing homophobic bullshit on the thread of a trans woman recently kicked out of a Washington, DC bar for daring to use the bathroom that she belongs in, took offense at one of my replies.
Okay, she's taken offense to every reply made to her on that thread. I'm not special. This chick hates anyone who dares imply that the words that fall from her anointed lips are anything but the sagest wisdom and sweetest honey.

No wonder she's on her knees for the Child Molester In Chief. They're truly soulmates.

But this time, I guess I really pissed her off, because she then proceeded to run off to my feed, and post passive-aggressive emojis on my tweets.

Now, understand, I'm not upset at all. In fact, I find it hilariously funny that I am THAT far under her skin. For a group that constantly complains about any heads-up warning about uncomfortable content, they seem to be the most easily triggered. And they're also the most likely to take it to the next level, to escalate the situation as much as they can.

We see this every time some MAGAfuck picks up the phone and calls the cops on a barbecue, or on little kids selling water. Or the guy I saw today, who jumped out of his car and stalked up to the car in front of him, screaming at the top of his lungs, because the man had an Afghan flag next to an American flag on his bumper sticker. Literally, that was his only reason for flipping his shit on camera, knowing he was being filmed – he saw a flag he didn't like.

ATTACK! ATTACK! Kill the interloper! Threaten him, tell him the only reason you're not ripping his throat out with your teeth is because he's filming you! Yep, what an amazing patriot you are! An example for little American kids everywhere! And so rational and civil!

You can insert the eyeroll here, if you'd like.

Point is, if you want to know where the difference lies between the MAGAfucks and those of us who still have possession of our souls, it's right there. We have hate thrown at us, and we laugh and turn it into a joke.

They have a joke thrown at them, and they turn it into hate, and are compelled to destroy the person laughing.

We enjoy life, we have as much fun as we possibly can, regardless of how crappy things may be for us. They see laughter and joy, and they just want it to stop

They want everyone to be as angry, as miserable, and as full of hate as they are themselves.

Sorry, MAGAfucks. We're not down with that. We're going to KEEP laughing, and when your heads explode, we'll laugh even harder.

You're a bunch of triggered little snowflakes who need a safe space, so you can hide from the scary world you detest so much, the one where people are having FUN.

And cupcakes?

You're fucking hilarious.

Joke's on you, blondie. And no, we're not laughing with you. We are laughing at you. And we're not going to stop.

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