Tuesday, August 8, 2017

There Is No Star Trek

So this has become a thing. 
You've probably noticed that I've pulled back over the last few months. I'm around less and less, and engage less and less when I am here. Part of that, of course, is just real life stepping in... rebuilding one's entire life from scratch takes a lot of attention. Part of it, honestly, is the lack of a need to blow off real-life frustrations by redirecting my anger at more acceptable – and safer – targets. It's hard to sustain anger when you're genuinely happy in your life.

But the largest part of it, by far, is simply that I can no longer see the point. 
There is a huge brick wall of ingrained, bedrock-solid attitude that lies in between the issues I fight for, and the goal I so badly wanted to reach. I've slowly come to realize that it's not something I can fix. Once that wall has been reached, there is no way to get past it. There's no gate, no tunnel, no ladder over the top. It simply is, and always will be, and nothing can change that mindset once it's in place.

I'm tired of trying.

I'm tired of crying.

I'm tired of being tired. 
And I'm out. 
At least for the foreseeable future, I'm taking a break. From all of it. No more SJW crusades, on any front. 
Because when even those who claim to be on your own side are willing to concede, to allow the opposition to claim the “moral high ground”, and thus give them the attendant “right” to grant or withhold services pending their determination as to whether the person asking for access deserves them... 
The battle has been lost. 
The way I see it, the pendulum has swung too far to be stopped. The regressive, limiting, controlling policies that were once considered too extreme to be seriously entertained are now fully accepted and put in place. The most basic progressive ideals have been pushed to the fringe, are ridiculed. 
Are called “too extreme”. 
By the very people who once fought for them. 
How do I fight that? How do I fight my own comrades-in-arms? 
I can't. And I won't. I will no longer spend my time trying to explain to people that we should not deny others food, or shelter, because they didn't do “X”. Or marriage, or jobs, or the simple right to live their lives with who they choose, because they didn't choose “Y”. Or a full range of legal options because they were foolish enough to choose to do “Z”. It was barely worth it when I was arguing against people who had some justification, however weak, for not understanding the damage they were inflicting upon others. I flat fucking refuse to waste my time when those arguments are taking place with people who do understand, people who have themselves suffered the damage caused by those views. 
So, if you don't mind, I'm just going to stand back for a while and watch that pendulum swing. And when it reaches the end of that swing, and everything falls down, I'll roll my sleeves back up and start rebuilding from scratch. 
Because lately, that's what I do. 
But I won't continue destroying my peace of mind by fighting those I love and respect. There aren't any winners in that battle. 
Peace out, guys. Take care of yourselves. Know that I love you. And I'll catch you on the flipside... always.

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